MIglioramento qualità del lavoro Rimini

Rimini, a city on the Adriatic coast, boasts a long tourist tradition and numerous historical beauties left in good condition by our predecessors. It was founded by the Romans in 268 BC. and numerous monuments were erected such as the Arch of Augustus, the Tiberius Bridge, the Amphitheatre and the Surgeon's Domus. Rimini has been dominated for several centuries by the powerful Malatesta family, important monuments are the Malatestian Temple and Castel Sigismondo.

Ethicjobs better jobs better lives

Ethicjobs Benefit Company S.r.l.
August course 62
47921 Rimini (RN) – Italy
VAT: 04304160403

Office opening hours:
Mon. Fri. 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.



Are you a company in the province of Rimini that wants to increase its turnover?

One of the most effective methods is to improve the quality of employees' work. Have you ever done an analysis to know exactly how your employees work? Ethicjobs can help you, we have a custom tool and created by us, free, which allows you to also get certification.

We measure the well-being of workers, certify ethical companies, increase the brand reputation of companies and improve business performance through tangible and measurable data.



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